Understanding the World Through Code

Funded through the NSF Expeditions in Computing Program



Armando Solar-Lezama, Associate Professor, MIT, asolar.jpg, http://people.csail.mit.edu/asolar/; Swarat Chaudhuri, Associate Professor, UT Austin, chaudhuri.jpg; Yisong Yue, Professor, Caltech, yue.jpg; Regina Barzilay, Professor, MIT, barzilay.jpg; Isil Dillig, Associate Professor, UT Austin, dillig.jpg; Osbert Bastani, Research Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, bastani.jpg; Michael Carbin, Assistant Professor, MIT, carbin.jpg; Martin Rinard, Professor, MIT, rinard.jpg; Phillip Sharp, Institute Professor and Professor of Biology, MIT, sharp.jpg; Tommi Jaakkola, Professor, MIT, jaakkola.jpg; Noah Goodman, Associate Professor, Stanford, goodman.jpg; Chris Jermaine, Professor, Rice, jermaine.jpg;

Advisory Board

Josh Tenenbaum, Professor, MIT, tenenbaum.jpg; Pushmeet Kohli, Principal scientist and research team leader, Deep Mind, kohli.jpg; Rishabh Singh, Research scientist, Google Brain, singh.jpg; Justin Gottschlich,Head of Machine Programming Research, Intel, gottschlich.jpg; Satish Chandra, Engineering Manager, Facebook, satish.png; Susmit Jha, Principal Computer Scientist, SRI International, jha.jpg;

Research scientist and Project Manager

Omar Costilla-Reyes, CSAIL MIT


Jason Yim, MIT
Hannes Stärk, MIT
Gabriele Corso, MIT
Stephen Mell,	University of Pennsylvania
Jennifer Sun,	Caltech
Jocelyn Chen,	University of Texas at Austin
Ria Das,	Stanford University
Chenxi Yang,	The University of Texas at Austin
Atharva Sehgal,	University of Texas at Austin
Gabriel Poesia,	Stanford University
Greg Anderson,	The University of Texas at Austin
Mingchao Jiang,	Rice University
Yi Ding,	MIT
Alex Renda,	MIT 
Charles Yuan,	MIT
Logan Weber,	MIT
Ellie Cheng,	MIT
Kavi Gupta,	MIT
Alex Gu,	MIT
Matt Bowers,	MIT
Theo Olausson,	MIT
Chima Adiole,	Rice University
Abhinav Jain,	Rice University